Marián Halás

halas_cenars Marián Halás

Assoc. Prof. at the Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, Palacký University in Olomouc

His research interests include various aspects of the identification and modelling of spatial interactions; modelling of settlement, regional and urban systems; and problems of particular types of regions: e.g., border and peripheral regions.


2008 Assoc. Prof.
Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences (study programme: Regional geography)
(habilitation thesis: Možnosti geografie v identifikácii, aproximácii a plánovaní usporiadania priestorových prvkov [Possibilities of geography in identification, approximation and planning of organisation of spatial elements])

1997–2003 Ph.D.
Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences (study programme: Human geography)
(dissertation thesis: Cezhraničné väzby, cezhraničná spolupráca – aplikácia na slovensko-české pohraničie [Cross-border relations, cross-border co-operation – application in Slovak-Czech borderland])

1992–1997 Mgr. (M.Sc.)
Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences (study programme: Mathematics and Geography)
(diploma thesis: Cezhraničné väzby a spolupráca okresu Skalica s Českou republikou [Cross-border relations and co-operation of the Skalica district with the Czech Republic])

Selected publications

Halás, M., Klapka, P. (2015): Spatial influence of regional centres of Slovakia: analysis based on the distance-decay function. Rendiconti Lincei – Scienze Fisiche e Naturali 26:2, 169 – 185.

Erlebach, M., Klapka, P., Halás, M., Tonev, P. (2014): Inner structure of functional region: theoretical aspects. In 17th International Colloquim on Regional Science. Conference Proceedings. (Hustopeče 18. – 20.6. 2014). Masarykova univerzita, Brno, 722 – 727.

Halás, M. (2014): The development of selected mutual relations between the Czech Republic and Slovakia. European Review 22 (3), 414 – 431.

Halás, M., Klapka, P., Bleha, B., Bednář, M. (2014): Funkčné regióny na Slovensku podľa denných tokov do zamestnania [Functional regions in Slovakia according to daily travel-to-work flows]. Geografický časopis 66 (2), 89 – 114.

Halás, M., Klapka, P., Kladivo P. (2014): Distance-decay functions for daily travel-to-work flows. Journal of Transport Geography 35, 107–119.

Halás, M., Klapka, P., Tonev, P. (2014): A contribution to human geographical regionalisation of the Czech Republic at the mezzo level. In 17th International Colloquim on Regional Science. Conference Proceedings. (Hustopeče 18. – 20.6. 2014). Masarykova univerzita, Brno, 715 – 721.

Klapka, P., Halás, M., Erlebach, M., Tonev, P., Bednář, M.(2014): A multistage agglomerative approach for defining functional regions of the Czech Republic: the use of 2001 commuting data. Moravian Geographical Reports 22 (4), 2 – 13.

Kraft, S., Halás, M., Vančura, M. (2014): The delimitation of urban hinterlands based on transport flows: a case study of regional capitals in the Czech Republic. Moravian Geographical Reports 22 (1), 24–32.

Halás, M., Kladivo, P., Roubínek, P. (2013): Koncept kompaktního města: příspěvek k výzkumu a správě [Concept of a compact city: contribution to research and administration]. In 16th International Colloquim on Regional Science. Conference Proceedings. (Valtice 19.-21.6.2013). Masarykova univerzita, Brno, 140–146.

Halás, M., Zuskáčová, V. (2013): Travelling to services in the daily urban system of Olomouc. Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series 20, 23–41.

Klapka, P., Halás, M., Tonev, P. (2013): Functional regions: concept and types. In 16th International Colloquim on Regional Science. Conference Proceedings. (Valtice 19.-21.6.2013). Masarykova univerzita, Brno, 94–101.

Klapka, P., Halás, M., Tonev, P., Bednář, M. (2013): Functional regions of the Czech Republic: comparison of simpler and more advanced methods of regional taxonomy. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis, Facultas Rerum Naturalium, Geographica 44 (1), 45–57. supplementary materials

Kunc, J., Maryáš, J., Tonev, P., Frantál, B., Siwek, T., Halás, M., Klapka, P., Szczyrba, Z., Zuskáčová V. (2013): Časoprostorové modely nákupního chování české populace [Spatio-temporal models of shopping behaviour of the Czech population]. Masarykova univerzita, Brno.

Halás, M., Klapka, P. (2012): Contribution to regional division of Slovakia based on the application of the Reilly’s model. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 61 (3), 237–255.

Halás, M., Klapka, P. (2012): Distance decay function and its application in the territory of the Czech Republic. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis, Facultas Rerum Naturalium, Geographica 43 (1), 57–60.

Halás, M., Roubínek, P., Kladivo, P. (2012): Urbánní a suburbánní prostor Olomouce: příspěvek k vymezování, správě a typologii [Urban and suburban space of Olomouc: contribution to defining, managing and typology]. Geografický časopis 64 (4), 289–310.

Kladivo, P., Halás, M. (2012): Quality of life in an urban environment: a typology of urban units of Olomouc. Quaestiones Geographicae 31 (2), 49–60.

Halás, M., Horňák, M. (2012): Územné plánovanie pre geografov [Land use planning for geographers]. Bratislava, Geo-grafika.

Halás, M., Klapka, P. (2010): Regionalizace Česka z hlediska modelování prostorových interakcí [Regional division of Czechia on the basis of spatial interaction modelling]. Geografie 115 (2), 144–160.

Klapka, P., Frantál, B., Halás, M., Kunc, J. (2010): Spatial organisation: development, structure and approximation of geographical systems. Moravian Geographical Reports 18 (3), 53–65.

Halás, M., Kladivo, P., Šimáček, P., Mintálová, T. (2010): Delimitation of micro-regions in the Czech Republic by nodal relations. Moravian Geographical Reports 18 (2), 16–22.

Halás, M., Formanová, L. (2010): Sociological, demographic and spatial aspects of the singles phenomenon in the Czech Republic. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis – Geographica 41 (2), 37–52.

Halás, M., Klapka, P. (2009): Grafické modely regiónov [Graphical models of regions]. Acta Geographica Universitatis Comenianae (53), 49–57.

Řehák, S., Halás, M., Klapka, P. (2009): Několik poznámek k možnostem aplikace Reillyho modelu [Several notes on the possibilities of the application of the Reilly´s model]. Geographia Moravica 1, Olomouc, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 47–58.

Halás, M. (2008): Priestorová polarizácia spoločnosti s detailným pohľadom na periférne regióny Slovenska [The spatial polarisation of society with a detailed review of peripheral regions in Slovakia]. Sociologický časopis 44 (2), 349–369.

Halás, M., Řehák, S. (2008): Příspěvek k anatomii společného pohraničí České republiky a Slovenské republiky [Contribution to the “anatomy” of the common frontier area of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic]. Geografický časopis 60 (3), 279–298.

Halás, M., Kladivo, P. (2008): Ekonomický vývoj, väzby a spolupráca medzi Slovenskou a Českou republikou [Economical development and co-operation between Slovakia and the Czech Republic]. Regionální studia 2 (1), 9–15.

Džupinová, E., Halás, M., Horňák, M., Hurbánek, P., Káčerová, M., Michniak, D., Ondoš, S., Rochovská, A. (2008): Periférnosť a priestorová polarizácia na území Slovenska [Marginality and spatial polarisation in the area of Slovakia]. Bratislava, Geo-grafika.

Halás, M., Džupinová, E. (2007): Vývoj a priestorové rozloženie bytového fondu Bratislavy [The development and spatial distribution of the housing stock of Bratislava]. Urbanismus a územní rozvoj 10 (2), 27–35.

Halás, M. (2007): Development of cross-border cooperation and creating of Euroregions in the Slovak Republic. Moravian Geographical Reports 15 (1), 21–31.

Halás, M. (2006): Theoretical preconditions versus the real existence of cross-border relations in the Slovak-Czech borderland. Europa XXI (15), 63–75.

Halás, M. (2005): Dopravný potenciál regiónov Slovenska [Transport potential of regions in Slovakia]. Geografie 110 (4), 257–270.

Halás, M. (2005): Possibilities for the application of geography to land use planning. Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Geographica 38 (1), 67–77.

Halás, M. (2005): Cezhraničné väzby, cezhraničná spolupráca: na príklade slovensko-českého pohraničia s dôrazom na jeho slovenskú časť [Cross-border relations, cross-border co-operation: on example of Slovak-Czech borderland with emphasis for its Slovak part]. Bratislava, Univerzita Komenského.

Halás, M. (2002): Hranica a prihraničný región v geografickom priestore (teoretické aspekty) [Border and border region in geographic space (theoretical aspects)]. Geographia Slovaca 18, 49–55.

List of all publications (in Czech)

Selected courses

Regions and geographical regionalisation (master programme in regional geography)
Spatial interactions and deformations (master programme in regional geography)

Selected supervised theses