Spatial interaction modelling

Spatial interaction modelling

The theme is concerned with a modelling of various spatial phenomena in regional and urban systems at various hierarchical levels and for various time horizons. Spatial interaction models have been firstly inspired by physical analogies (either Newtonian physics or thermodynamics), later by information theory or behavioural approaches.

Our attempt is to apply spatial interaction models in cases when we have no sufficient statistical data on horizontal flows and movements of energy, material, information and particularly individuals. In this respect, we deal with migration, shopping trips, allocation of civil facilities, labour commuting or transportation networks.

We are interested particularly in the following problems:

  • Use of spatial interaction models for regional taxonomic tasks
  • Role and behaviour of distance decay functions in spatial interaction modelling and their regional specifics
  • Calibration of spatial interaction models
  • Modelling of various intra-urban flows
  • Modelling in historical geography


Halás, M., Klapka, P. (2015): Spatial influence of regional centres of Slovakia: analysis based on the distance-decay function. Rendiconti Lincei – Scienze Fisiche e Naturali 26:2, 169 – 185.

Halás, M., Klapka, P., Kladivo P. (2014): Distance-decay functions for daily travel-to-work flows. Journal of Transport Geography 35, 107 – 119.

Klapka, P., Erlebach, M., Král, O., Lehnert, M., Mička, T. (2013): The footfall of shopping centres in Olomouc (Czech Republic): An application of the gravity model. Moravian Geographical Reports 21 (3), 12 – 26.

Kunc, J., Maryáš, J., Tonev, P., Frantál, B., Siwek, T., Halás, M., Klapka, P., Szczyrba, Z., Zuskáčová V. (2013): Časoprostorové modely nákupního chování české populace [Spatio-temporal models of shopping behaviour of the Czech population]. Masarykova univerzita, Brno.

Halás, M., Klapka, P. (2012): Contribution to regional division of Slovakia based on the application of the Reilly’s model. Hungarian geographical bulletin 61 (3), 237 – 255.

Halás, M., Klapka, P. (2012): Distance decay function and its application in the territory of the Czech Republic. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis, Facultas Rerum Naturalium, Geographica 43 (1), 57 – 60.

Kraft, S., Blažek, J. (2012): Spatial interactions and regionalisation of the Vysočina Region using the gravity models. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis, Facultas Rerum Naturalium, Geographica 43 (2), 65 – 82.

Halás, M., Klapka, P. (2010): Regionalizace Česka z hlediska modelování prostorových interakcí [Regional division of Czechia on the basis of spatial interaction modelling]. Geografie 115 (2), 144 – 160.

Klapka, P., Niedźwiedźová, K. (2010): Geographical organisation of the Nový Jičín region: transformations of its selected aspects during the Industrial Revolution (Czech lands). Moravian Geographical Reports 18 (4), 39 – 55.

Řehák, S., Halás, M., Klapka, P. (2009): Několik poznámek k možnostem aplikace Reillyho modelu [Several notes on the possibilities of the application of the Reilly´s model]. Geographia Moravica 1. UP v Olomouci, Olomouc, 47 – 58.

Klapka, P., Nováková, E., Frantál, B. (2007): Metodologické přístupy k hodnocení potenciálu cestovního ruchu území [Methodological approaches to the assessment of tourism potential of a territory]. Miscellanea Geographica 14, 65 – 70.