Time geography

Spatial models of behaviour in changing urban environment: a time geographical approach
2009 – 2011 Project GA ČR no. 403/09/0885

The project has been concerned with a changing behaviour of individuals in the urban environment. Three population segments with a relative excess of leisure time have been enquired: students, women on maternity leave and seniors. Time geographical approaches and techniques have been applied in order to catch the models of the spatial behaviour of the segments in four cities – Brno, Ostrava, Olomouc and České Budějovice.

Selected results
Frantál, B., Klapka, P., Siwek, T. (2012): Lidské chování v prostoru a čase: teoreticko-metodologická východiska [Human Behaviour in Space and Time: Theoretical-Methodological Foundations]. Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review 48 (5), 833 – 857.

Frantál, B., Maryáš, J., Jaňura, J., Klapka, P., Kunc, J., Nováková, E., Osman, R., Siwek, T., Szczyrba, Z., Tonev, P., Toušek, V. (2012): Prostorové chování: vzorce aktivit, mobilita a každodenní život ve městě [Spatial behaviour: activity patterns, mobility and everyday life in the city]. Masarykova univerzita, Brno.

Klapka, P., Frantál, B., Halás, M., Kunc, J. (2010): Spatial organisation: development, structure and approximation of geographical systems. Moravian Geographical Reports 18 (3), 53 – 65.

Klapka, P., Roubalíková, H. (2010): Places and students in urban environment: a time-geographical perspective. Geografický časopis 62 (1), 33 – 47.